By Grace Ku, Monika Martens, Houssynatou Sy
The SCUBY (SCale-Up of integrated care for diaBetes and hYpertension in Belgium, Cambodia and Slovenia) project had a dissemination event – the SCUBY colloquium – 25 May 2023. There were a total of 129 attendees( 65 virtual and 64 in-person). The University of Antwerp Rector, Prof. dr. Herman Van Goethem gave the opening remarks and the ITM Director, Prof. dr. Lut Lynen, closed the program. The colloquium summarized this 4,5-year project as implemented in the three countries and the roadmaps for scaling up, with each country team presenting their in-country activities and results. The dissemination event was moderated by Prof. dr. Edwin Wouters and Prof. dr. Josefien van Olmen gave a general introduction. The country presentations that ensued by Matic Mihevc and Tina Virtič from the Slovenia team, Srean Chhim from the Cambodia team and Katrien Danhieux from the Belgium team, each team brought a key partner in the implementation of scale-up to share their experiences of working with SCUBY on scale-up.
1) The Slovenia team from the Community Health Center Ljubljana, having piloted a study on peer support, invited one of their trained peer educators to speak.
2) True to their mandate, the Cambodia team from the National Institute of Public Health invited two directors from the Cambodian Ministry of Health, Dr Hero Kol and Dr. Sansam Sim to speak on how evidence generated from SCUBY will help in the future directions for NCD care in the country.
3) The Belgium team from the University of Antwerp invited Prof. dr. Ann van den Bruel to present concrete plans of reforming financing models to facilitate integrating care in primary care practices.

Tatjana Bleiweis, a Slovenian peer supporter sharing her experiences

Dr. Hero Kol (right) and Dr. Samsam Sim (left) from the Cambodian Ministry of Health, sharing about the MOH’s NCD vision and policy directions
Prof. dr. Ann van den Bruel sharing about the federal New Deal reflection group in Belgium
The colloquium also featured a presentation from Monika Martens (from ITM, Antwerp) and dr. Martin Heine (from Utrecht Medical Center) on the synthesis and cross-country lessons on the scale-up roadmaps and from Dr. Bruno Meessen, health financing technical officer of the World Health Organization, providing a glimpse on financing mechanisms to integrate care.
Final lessons by Monika Martens, dr. Martin Heine and dr. Bruno Meessen
Our EC Horizon project officer, Dr. Marina Koussathana delivered a message virtually. A very engaging panel discussion capped the colloquium, moderated by Prof. dr. Wim Van Damme.

A virtual closing message by Dr. Marina Koussathana at the start of the panel discussion

A panel discussion at the end of the colloquium with (from left to right) Dr. Bruno Meessen, Prof. dr. Por Ir, dr. Katrien Danhieux, Tatjana Bleiweis and Prof. dr. Antonija (Tonka) Poplas Susič, moderated by Prof. dr. Wim Van Damme
We thank the SCUBY members and participants who attended and helped turn this event into a success!
Scuby closing colloquium - 01 Intro & opening - UA rector Prof Van Goethem
Scuby closing colloquium - 02 General intro to Scuby - Prof Van Olmen
Scuby closing colloquium - 03 Scuby in Slovenia - Dr Virtec, Dr Mihevc & Ms Bleiweis
Scuby closing colloquium - 04 Scuby in Cambodia - Mr Chhim, Dr Hero and Dr Sim
Scuby closing colloquium - 05 Scuby in Belgium - Dr Danhieux & Dr Buffel
Scuby closing colloquium - 06 Scuby in Belgium - New deal - prof Van den Bruel
Scuby closing colloquium - 07 Scuby in Belgium - Discussion
Scuby closing colloquium - 08 Synthesis & Cross country lessons - Ms Martens & Dr Heine
Scuby closing colloquium - 09 Health financing - Bruno Meessen
Scuby closing colloquium - 10 Message of EU project adviser - Dr Koussathana
Scuby closing colloquium - 11 Panel discussion & closing by Prof Lynen